Economy: Bankruptcy, Communications, Competition, Consumer behaviors, Consumption, Currency, Demographics, Distribution, Diversification, Education, Entrepreneurship, Federal Reserve, Financials, Future work, Globalization, Government spending, Governance, Green business, Health care, Illegal activities, Income, Inequalities, Immigrant workers, Infrastructure, International trade, Labor market, Labor Unions, Laws, Monopolies, National debt, Markets, Mergers, Pandemics & extreme events, Partnerships, Pensions, Policy, Production, Regulations, Resources, Sick Leave, Small business, Subsidies, Supply chain, Tariffs, Taxation, Technology, Unemployment, Wages, Welfare, Work-life balance (Note: discussions include but are not limited to these topics)

12-14 October 2020 Workshop
The 12-14 October 2020 workshop objectives include developing a strategy to define the related issue(s) for each component in order to provide synopsis of issue(s) and potential impact to Texas, identify known standards, gaps, barriers, and define possible solutions/potential funding opportunities. The workshop will define potential funding targets for development of interdisciplinary proposals.
12-14 October 2020 Workshop
- Scope of the workshop required refinement and identification of subthemes.
- Key issues for subsequent workshops include: future of work and workforce development, investment in growing the blue economy, cyber security and the social economic impact of water.