The “Blue Economy” concept, is an organizing principle that captures the interplay between economic, social, political and ecological sustainability of the ocean. As a strong maritime nation with dominance in high tech expertise the U.S. is well positioned to lead blue technologies in ocean activities. Save the date! TBD* Texas A&M University Galveston Campus Interested? […]
Location: Rudder 701 Schedule
Associate Dean and Professor of Political ScienceOffice of the Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Acting Chief Academic OfficerSenior Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate StudiesDepartment of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston Regents ProfessorDepartment of Oceanography, Texas A&M University
Economy: Bankruptcy, Communications, Competition, Consumer behaviors, Consumption, Currency, Demographics, Distribution, Diversification, Education, Entrepreneurship, Federal Reserve, Financials, Future work, Globalization, Government spending, Governance, Green business, Health care, Illegal activities, Income, Inequalities, Immigrant workers, Infrastructure, International trade, Labor market, Labor Unions, Laws, Monopolies, National debt, Markets, Mergers, Pandemics & extreme events, Partnerships, Pensions, Policy, Production, Regulations, Resources, […]